70 Inspiring Book Blog Ideas To Keep Readers Coming Back For More
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Many times book bloggers wonder what they should write about or why they are not seeing a lot of blog traffic. As a book blogger, you can feel trapped within the niche or run out of book blog ideas for innovative posts. Writing review after review for advanced reading copies gets tedious.
However, there are a ton of unique topics that you can write about related to books, reading, literature, and blogging itself.
You can use ‘blog post idea’ generators, read others’ posts about book blogging, and see what your favorite book bloggers are writing about to get your own creative wine grapes smushed and fermenting. I also love to evaluate what is trending on Google Trends and Pinterest Trends.
But just in case writer’s block hits you like one too many Old Fashioneds late at night, here are 67 book blog ideas for beginners and novices. Find book blog post ideas, tags, general book blogging ideas, and book blog topics.

P.S. Special Book Blogging Discounts From Us To You:
As a full-fledged member of the blogging community, I work with many amazing and successful bloggers, website developers, and blogging teachers. I use only the best services. These are a few special book blogging discounts just for you to get you started:
- Want to enroll in a complete and affordable Blogging 101 course? Use the code UNCORKED40 for 40% off this comprehensive blog training guide→
- Looking to make beautiful graphics for your book blog, Pinterest, and Instagram? I love Canva and swear by it for my Pinterest pins and blog post covers. I used Canva to create the graphics in this post. Try Canva Pro for free here→
- Every blog requires traditional legal pages such as a Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions. Grab these lawyer-written pages here and use the code UncorkedSpecial for $40-$60 off→
- If you want to start a newsletter like mine, grab 50% off of Flodesk here→
- Looking to up your SEO game and have more people read your book blog by finding you in Google searches? I use Keysearch for SEO research. Use the code KSDISC for 20% off Keysearch here→
Beginner Book Blog Post Ideas: Your Staple Book Blogging Posts
Like bread, as a book blogger, you want a few staple posts that people rely on day-to-day. You need some book reviews and book lists to gain street cred. A few ideas include:
Book Reviews
Review those books! You need the ever-steady book review with an authentic summary and opinion. Book reviews are the obvious choice for book blog post ideas, but keep them short.
Also, don’t write your opinion like a third-grader: “I liked this story because it was so fast-paced. I disliked when the boy kissed the girl. This part was SO amazing.” You think I am kidding, but I see this all of the time.
Write with personality, too. If you haven’t noticed, I curse like a sailor and compare everything to booze.
Book Lists & Round-Ups
Book lists are all the rage. I recommend writing more book lists vs book reviews for your book blog posts. People like choices and short, easy summaries. Make your book list posts fun and authentic. Choose books that people don’t normally read. Think about these book blog list topics:

Period Book Lists
For period/era book blog post topics, think WWII, Prohibition, Elizabethan England…you get the idea.
Indie Author Book Lists
There are tons of talented indie authors just waiting to be discovered. If you have a strong social media presence and a clear book review policy, they will find you.
Niche Book Lists
Think about what bloggers and entrepreneurs want to read. What about health fanatics? Leadership books are huge these days. More book blog ideas include foodie books, retellings, and macabre.
Famous People Recommend
People love book lists from Oprah, Jenna, and Reese. What about Obama’s book choices and famous authors?
Theme Lists
People love book lists all about dogs or the supernatural. Think outside of the box and pick one specific character, creature, and element. Run with it.
Seasonal, Special Day & Holiday Book Lists
Valentine’s Day books, anyone? Don’t make this a boring list, though. Think about scorned lovers, unique love, steamy romances, enemies-to-lovers, and books that shred apart love.
Don’t forget Black History Month, International Women’s Day, and all of those random holidays that people totally made up: avocado day…sure, I got this!
Favorite Book Club Books

‘Book Club Books’ is my top-performing Pinterest board, which sucks for me right now since I have no posts about them on my blog. I gotta get on that ASAP. People love book blog topics about book clubs, though. Tell their book club what to read next.
Books For Teens That Adults Will Love
Personally, I love YA, and I always sneak YA into my book blog posts. Tell adults who don’t read young adult fiction what will appeal to them.
Picture Books About A Specific Teachable Topic For Kids
Looking for book blog ideas for kid-related posts? Think kindness, the world, sharing, potty training, Christmas… Pick a theme and roll with it. Librarians and teachers love these lists too. Know your audience.
Favorite Audiobooks
Audiobooks are a huge niche that doesn’t always get a lot of love. Busy readers on the go want to know what books are worth their time in the car or at the gym.
Read Alikes
“If you like this book then you will love these books…” As a former librarian, everyone wanted to know what to read after the freaking The Hunger Games. That’s why I left my system. Just kidding.
Traditional-With-A-Twist Book Blog Post Ideas
A few book blog ideas that are fairly standard besides the typical book review include book tags, author interviews, book hauls, and blog tours.

Not-Your-Average Book Review
List 5 reasons why you should read a book or 10 things you learned from this title. Go for more catchy titles such as “Why [Book Name] Will Inspire You.” Or, try for top three character traits, 10 best reasons to read this book, or why you would sleep with the antagonist.
Book Quotes
One of the most popular and trending book blog post ideas on Pinterest, don’t skip book quotes. Write about your favorite book quotes in a non-cliché way.

Create attractive social media images for your quotes, too. These squares circulate well as Pinterest pins and inspire Instagrammers.
**Please also remember to credit your source. Huge influencers gone authors and motivators have tanked their careers for claiming others’ phrases as their own.
Book Tags
Book bloggers love book tags and circulate them on Twitter like a librarian handing out library cards at a school open house. These book tags are fun and a great way to attract new bloggers to your site. They help build community and backlink bloggers too.
P.S. You can make your own and circulate it. Should I start an Uncorked tag?
Cover Reveals
Publishers will send you top secret and coveted book covers to circulate on a specific date. Typically, you reveal the cover and build hype for the book. I personally don’t do these, but maybe if you had wine on the cover…or my cat.
Author Interviews
Truth be told for book blogging ideas: I find many author interviews tedious and boring in the book world if done poorly. Write engaging and authentic questions.
Think about what your readers will want to know and what provides value for them. Stop being so boring.
Community-Related Book Blogging Ideas
I love the book blogging community, and you can find TUL on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.
Community book blogging is great to support fellow book bloggers and find like-minded people. Picture bookish people meeting from all around the world. So what are some community-driven book blog ideas?
Guest Posts
Sometimes authors, publishers, and other bloggers will approach you for a guest post. While TUL doesn’t currently allow full guest posts for personal reasons, I do allow writers to contribute to book posts. I love having diverse voices and opinions on my blog.
You can ask your guest to come up with book blog ideas of their own, too. I like to pick niche bloggers — experts in fields where I lack. Sometimes guest bloggers can write about topics that I cannot.

Giveaways, Contests, and Awards
I could probably split these categories up but consider hosting bookish giveaways or creating engaging writing contests. Just like book tags, people love being nominated for awards too.
Use an award circulating on Twitter or start your own. You can do this for readers, book bloggers, bookstagrammers, and books.
Introduction To A New Book Trend, Hashtag Or Program
Book bloggers love their hashtags and campaigns. See what is trending on Twitter and IG. Write a post solely on that topic and share on social media using that hashtag.
For our Uncorked Reading Challenge, we use the hashtag #UncorkedReading[year].
Blog Tours
Publishers contact popular book bloggers with book blog post ideas for touring their books. They ask for book reviews, guest posts, interviews, and specific book blog topics relevant to new releases.
They sometimes ask that you list all of the blogs that they are touring on along with your section of the tour. This can be great for backlinks, too.
Many publishers or their authors will offer book blogging ideas as a guest contributor.
Favorite Book Reviews & Comments From Other Bloggers & Readers
Share the things that make us laugh. Did someone write a hilarious book review or comment on a blog, Amazon, or Goodreads. Tell me about it.
Monthly & Yearly Book Blog Posts Ideas For Return Readers
Tell readers more about your personal reading piles. What is sitting by your bed? What did you bring home from the library or binge buy during the last Amazon sale? What are you currently reading?
Did Not Finish (DNF) Books
Always proceed with caution when writing a bad book review. Personally, I decline a review altogether versus shredding a book or author. I don’t love DNF lists, but I know readers find them interesting.
Why did you stop reading a book? Who would like the title? Is it worth my time?
Book Hauls

Tell us what you brought back from the library. Tell us all. You just raided the bookstore with as much gusto as I raid a liquor store?
What are you reading? Make those books pretty AF and show them off in bookstagram pictures.
If you are desperate for book blog ideas, head to your local bookstore or library and walk around. Check out displays, take pics…or grab some coffee.
Monthly & End Of Year Wrap-Ups
Did you finish reading that book haul? Tell us what you thought. How many books did you read this month? What did you love? What’s new and trending that we should be on the lookout for? Here at The Uncorked Librarian, we run a post called “Currently Reading.”
Best Of…
Tell us the best books of a genre, the best books of the year, the best books of the decade, or the best in a silly category.

Talk About Yourself As A Person, Reader, And Blogger
Tell us about you. Why should we care about your bookish opinions? What do you do when you aren’t reading? What are your reading goals for the year?
Popular & Trending Book Blogging Topics
The Ultimate Book Blog Post Ideas Involve…Harry Potter Everything!
You cannot lose. I don’t even love HP that much. I know. Stop reading and go unfollow me everywhere now. BUT PEOPLE ARE POTTERHEADS.
Our pal Harry in any capacity sells. HP gifts, Harry Potter travels, and what house you should be sorted into. Seriously, god help me. I’m so over this but the public is NOT. Don’t forget: your blog isn’t about you. It’s not. It’s about your readers.
Oh, and J.K. Rowling is such a horrible person and hot mess: talk about that…
To Be Read (TBR) Piles
This pile f’ing taunts me. 200 books in?! Tell us what your TBR pile looks like. We will all feel your glorious pain because book bloggers are sadistic little nerds.
Book Blog Ideas All About Reading
Writing about books is fun and all, but you can also write book blog post topics about reading:
Reading Challenges
When January hits, so do the reading challenges. Readers and book bloggers alike love monthly and yearly reading challenges. Read a book that makes you cry. Discover a new mystery. Read a book with 1,000 pages. Bring it on!
This is TUL’s Reading Challenge opt-in, too:
An Online Book Club Book
In need of not only book blog ideas but also ways to increase reader engagement? Start an online book club chat. It doesn’t even have to be monthly.
Pick one book, tell all of your followers (maybe even do a readathon), and start a book discussion online.
You can visit The Uncorked Librarian’s chill little bookish community on Facebook, Uncorked Readers, here. We use our Facebook Group for our reading challenge and group reads.
How To Read More
Great book blog post ideas are ways to help your readers accomplish their bookish goals. Readers never have enough time to read.

Share your tricks and tips for reading more. Do you cut back on TV? Read for 30 minutes in the morning? Help everyone out here.
Reading Tips For Families & Children
How do you read as a family? Is your child a struggling reader or doesn’t love reading? Share helpful ideas that work for you.
Talk About The Power Of Local Libraries & Purpose Your Library Serves In Your Community
Spread the library love. What benefits does your library bring to you?
Book Blog Ideas To Stir The Pot
I love to stir the pot. Ranting about IG is my personal favorite. Honestly, people love a good, semi-professional rant (remember brands and businesses are watching sooo be careful). Book nerds love to engage in hearty debate.
What are appropriate blog post ideas for ranting book bloggers?
Trending Controversial & Stimulating Book Blog Post Ideas
See what is trending. Marie Kondo caused quite the angst and controversy in the book blogging world with her book chucking recommendations. Blog about that craziness.
Then, we have J.K. Rowling…
Or what about those authors that sign a name to the book that they didn’t even really write?
A Discussion About Required Reading
Required reading in school has its perks and downfalls. Discuss.
How about that horrid summer reading in schools? I loved reading as a child but not when the schools told me what crappy selections I had to read on my vacation.

Are Audiobooks Considered Reading?
I see this one all of the time, and I never get bored watching the world go wild. Yes, yes they are….but some people will argue that to the death.
Are YA books Just Junk Food For Adults or Do They Have Just As Much Merit?
I love YA as an adult. Sometimes people need to be converted over to the dark side. The same goes for Manga, comics, and graphic novels. Talk about their merit.
Reading Troupes
Chat about stereotypes, misrepresentation, and what is overused these days. Reading troupes breed endless book blog ideas.
Character Analysis
Team Werewolf or Team Vampire anyone? Which classic literary hottie would you bang?
Favorite Reading Spots And Environments
Can you read in a noisy cafe? Where is the BEST spot to read?
Book Blog Ideas About Literature
These book blogging ideas explain themselves. Blog about the merits of reading and literature.
Is The Movie Better Or Worse Than The Book?
Short Versus Long Books? Classics vs Genre Fiction?
Share A Poetry Analysis & Tell Us Why Poetry Matters To You.
Who Are Your Favorite Authors, Writers, And Poets?
Book Blog Ideas About Book Blogging & Writing
Some book bloggers who want to make money blogging or have a side hustle start writing about the art of writing and book blogging.
Remember that you should only write these types of posts if you have experience and have results to back you up.
A lot of newbie bloggers blog about blogging and unintentionally give bad advice. Don’t. Also, don’t copy anyone else…

Many bloggers use Instagram to share their bookish reviews and posts. Bookstagram tips or ideas are perfect to get people started. Share how to take pictures, caption ideas, and props you love.
Strong Bookish Hashtags
What hashtags do you love and why? Which hashtags bring you engagement, and what ones are overused?
Why Blog?
Tell the world why you love blogging. How can they blog too, and what are some incentives. The book blog post ideas here are endless.
How To Write Blog Posts
Discuss what goes into a solid post: SEO, backlinks, and how to use headings.

How To Write A Unique Book Review
What information should book bloggers include in their reviews? Disclosures, book information, summary, and opinions.
Writing Tips
Some people are born writers and others need advice. Share your favorite writing tips.
How To Make Money Book Blogging
These days, everyone has a side hustle. Talk about sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and ads.
Feature Other Book Bloggers
Although we are the coolest book bloggers we know, share your favorites and show them some love. Let your readers know who you like following.
How To Increase Blog Traffic
Bloggers work long and hard on posts and generating book blogging post ideas. Share tips for how to get readers and bloggers coming back to your site: newsletters, Pinterest marketing, and IG stories.
How To Create Engaging Book Blog Posts
Every year, new platforms and ideas arise. Share your book blog post ideas and writing prompts.
Book Blogging Terms
Book bloggers tend to forget that not everyone is familiar with their lingo. Define terms in a fun way for your readers.
How To Use Professional Reviewing Services
Free books? Free advanced reading copies? Book bloggers and readers want to know how to gobble them up. Dish and gossip away.
Share Freelancing Tips
Are you a freelancer or do you have other reading and writing skills/services? Provide value to your readers and share your advice. Maybe others need book blogging ideas and could use your content.
Talent & Hobby Book Blog Ideas
I always believe in staying close to your niche. I see bloggers create these stranded island posts that are not even remotely related to their niche. Yup, I used to be one of them too.
STAY ON NICHE. With that said, you can still blog about books and bookish things.

Showcase Your FanFiction
Are you a writer? Fanfiction is geeky fun. Create a section on your blog dedicated to your fanfiction.
Display Your Short Stories
Just like fanfiction, share your writing. Any writing. Although this may be harder to market on Pinterest, your genuine following will love it.
Do You Love Bookstores, Libraries, And Bookish Cafes?
Showcase places for book lovers. Tell us about them. Take us with you.
Favorite Nerdy Games
There are a ton of fun games out there. You can make great affiliate link sales this way too.
Geeky Stuff And Collections
Do you still have that giant Pooh from when you were 5? Did you find a Little Prince thermos in Brussels? Do you collect Pop! Funko? Take all the pictures and post away.
Favorite Movies, Podcasts, And TV Series Related To Books
Gosh, I love Riverdale, Orange is the New Black, and The Handmaid’s Tale.
Books Related To Other Subjects
Tie books into your passions. Pair books with recipes or wine… Some of the best book blog ideas are those that involve food and books.
Crafts & Design-Related Book Blog Post Ideas
What is in your house? That sounds totally creepy, but people want to see your workspace and your library. Clean up the cobwebs and get sharing. Are your bookshelves in a rainbow pattern? Do you make book art? This unicorn magic is book blogging post gold.

Home Library Design
Home decor and home library design are my second and third heaviest trafficked Pinterest boards. And yup, I got nothing. GAHHHH. People love home decor ideas and seeing how you organize your books.
Book Art
At the library, we made tons of crafts out of books. DIY is fun and people love recycling their stuff. Show your audience how to make an owl out of an old discarded book. Make me a flower. How can I recycle my maps?
Favorite Book Covers
Get creative and pull together your favorite book covers. Discuss how you judge a book by its cover.

P.S. Special Book Blogging Discounts From Us To You:
As a full-fledged member of the blogging community, I work with many amazing and successful bloggers, website developers, and blogging teachers. I use only the best services. These are a few special book blogging discounts just for you to get you started:
- Want to enroll in a complete and affordable Blogging 101 course? Use the code UNCORKED40 for 40% off this comprehensive blog training guide→
- Looking to make beautiful graphics for your book blog, Pinterest, and Instagram? I love Canva and swear by it for my Pinterest pins and blog post covers. I used Canva to create the graphics in this post. Try Canva Pro for free here→
- Every blog requires traditional legal pages such as a Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions. Grab these lawyer-written pages here and use the code UncorkedSpecial for $40-$60 off→
- If you want to start a newsletter like mine, grab 50% off of Flodesk here→
- Looking to up your SEO game and have more people read your book blog by finding you in Google searches? I use Keysearch for SEO research. Use the code KSDISC for 20% off Keysearch here→
Are you ready to get back to book blogging with these book blog post ideas?
I hope that you found these book blogging ideas helpful. I’d love to hear some of your favorite book blog ideas in the comments. Also, what book blog post ideas did I miss, and which ones are you tired of seeing?
This post originally published in February 2019 and is updated for the 2021.
Book Blogging Posts You May Also Love:
How To Start A Thriving Book Blog
Bookstagram 101 Guide
Make Money Blogging With These Book Affiliate Programs
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All Of The Blogging Resources We Use Here At TUL
I am a new blogger and this is the best list I’ve come across. so many ideas! thanks!
Aw, thank you!
this post holds a special place in my heart for when i run out of blogging ideas! 😂
Haha! I am so glad! Thank you.
After reading this article i came to knew many new things like Bookstagram and Bookish Hashtags. Thanks for sharing this content.
I’m so glad that this article was helpful! I hope you gained many new book blogging post ideas. Thanks so much for reading.
Wow, these are fantastic! Thank you so much for such a helpful list!
Thank you!
I’ve been wanting to start my own book blog for a while now, but was unsure about what I would really like to share. This and your other “starter” posts have been super helpful!
Thanks so much! Good luck with your book blog!
Love this, it is so helpful to me! Thank you
I’m so glad! Thanks!
Thank you for sharing the ideas listed. I’ve had my book blog for almost 2 years and there are lots of good advice here. Some of the advice can be used for other blogs as well besides just book blogs. Thanks a bunch for sharing!
Thanks so much! I am actually just about to update this post, too. I am glad it was helpful. Have a great rest of the week.
This is a great list, thanks so much for all the inspiration! We’re just starting to look at adding a blog to our website and I’ve been trying to come up with ideas, and this is super helpful!
Hey! Thanks so much for the kind message and for letting me know. I appreciate it! Best of luck with your blogging adventures.
I Read your article. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information, and I hope you will share some more info about best book reviews. You wrote really very well, I really like your blog and information provided by you. I appreciate your work.
Hi! That’s a great idea. I will try to work on a new post for book reviews soon. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for these tips. I am planning to start my own book blog too. I am 19 and hella nervous about it. Anyhow, just wanted to leave a message, your blog is so cute and doing its work <3
Much love,
Thank you so much for the nice comment. Good luck with your book blog. I am sure you will do great, and please let me know if you need any help. Have a great week, and thanks, again! I really appreciate it.
Thank you for sharing the post nice!!
Thank you!
I just started my own blog last week. So still figuring things out. I would like to do a post about with WWII fiction books I read during this COVID19 quarantine. But I’m not really sure how I can make this post visually appealing (maybe a collage of the covers, or list with links to amazon). Can you please guide me to some useful software or links?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Kate,
I saw that you already published your WW2 post on your blog. I think the ereader picture you took works. A bookstagram photo is always fun. I always include book covers with my book posts paired with purchasing and Goodreads links (I see that you included Goodreads).
You can use the free version of Canva to create graphics: https://www.canva.com/
I joined the Amazon Affiliate program, which provides readers with purchasing links where you also receive a small commission. Just remember that you then have to disclose at the top of the post that you are using affiliate links, make those links ‘no-follow’, and read and follow Amazon’s rules–if you decide to go the affiliate route. That program is here: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/.
I hope this helps!
Hi, I’m very new too book blogging and this post was a huge help!
Thank you so much x
Hey Sammy! Thank you so, so much for letting me know! XXxx
Hey Christine! I’ve been following you from now on and I love reading your tips. Thank you so much for sharing these suggestions, I started my blog about 6 years ago but then never got a piece of proper information for niche and blog post ideas so I didn’t focus on it, but from now on I’m surely going to follow some of your tips. Thanks! 🙂
Hey Andrea! Thank you so much! I am so glad to hear that everything is helpful. I definitely need to update a tad more for 2020. I agree, completely: back when I started book blogging, I am not always sure that I found the best or most helpful information out there. I am trying to remedy that, at least for my book blogging readers. Thank you, again!
Hi Christine! Your post is amazing and really helpful. I have been feeling less motivated for over a year now but your post reminds me of the basket of fun book blogging holds. Thank you.
Hey, Thank you so much! I am glad that this post helped, and thanks for letting me know too. I appreciate it! Sometimes a break is needed, too.